Sunday, March 16, 2008


Rounding out the Wolof phrases helpful around mealtime, there's a phrase you can say after eating if you not only enjoyed the meal, but it makes you feel good.


Abdou explained: You know the feeling you get, say, after a Thanksgiving dinner? You've stuffed yourself silly, and feel like you're only good for lying around on the couch. That's the OPPOSITE of what Abdou is talking about here. Instead, think about the feeling you get after eating a meal that just sits well with you. It makes you feel like you've got energy, and you know it'll digest well. There's actually a phrase for that in Wolof, and it is a great compliment to your host:

It means "My body feels good from that meal."

Interesting how the existence of such phrases casts a light on the culture, eh?

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