Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Beachside Photoshoot

It's true for everyone, I'm sure: Just looking at a photo can bring back a wave of memories. One of the more convenient things about being a photographer is that, just by doing my job, I have pretty good documentation for large chunks of my life, so I don't have to work too hard to rattle around my brain for details. The pictures are there for me.

Memories came flooding back, then, as I happened to check on the website of a band I had photographed a couple of years ago. To my delight, they're still using the photos from the two photoshoots we did together.

The band is called Tambours Africains Sans Frontiers. Check 'em out, and hear the sweet stylings of Moise, Tinte, and Akira.

I remember it was maybe 100 degrees, and we hit the beach around noon. Not the ideal time for a photoshoot, but I had to leave to catch a plane in an hour, so it was our only option.

Moise -- the singer -- also teaches music to children, and maybe 30 of them had gathered around. The heat kept everyone else away.

I had made plenty of portraits during an earlier session, so for this one we figured we'd get some shots of the band performing. Essentially, then, the band gave me and these 30 kids a private concert on the beach while I photographed.

For that wonderful hour I forgot that I hadn't packed or showered yet. Time stood still. When I look at the images today I can hear the music.

Monday 2/26 Moise's Drumming Group - Images by Shelley Cryan

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